Hello Keath David Hall! Thank you for taking the time to share a little bit about yourself with us today! You've done quite a bit for Class 6 Theatre haven't you?
I have worked for Class 6 Theatre for several years on and off stage. I built the sets for The Comedy of Errors and True West and helped out technically where I could. I acted in It’s Always Sunny in Phoenix, Reentry, and The Comedy of Errors. I’ve done fight choreography for True West and Silvia. Lastly, I directed Afternoon Delight and will be directing 12th Night.
That's an amazing Class 6 Resume! Do you have a special connection to this show?
Night has been one of my favorite plays for a long time. It is arguably Shakespeare’s most ensemble
pieces as the characters have close to the same amount of lines. It is a hilarious action packed show that
somehow manages to tackle some sociological issues that we struggle with today.
Music within the show makes for an
emotional roller coaster.
Would you say you have a role model in your life? Personal or creatively?
I don’t know that I have one specific role model. My parents gave me many of there values; my dad’s work ethic, my mom’s creativity. I’m intensely jealous of Kenneth Branagh for being able to direct himself in Henry V on the big screen at the age of 29.
Being such a big Shakespeare fan, who do you think you most relate to?
I want to say I’m somebody cool or conniving like Iago or Marc Antony…. However most people would probably say that I’m Bottom the Weaver from Midsummer. Sweet and kind of dumb but full of energy and intensely loyal to his friends. The quiz thinks I’m Iago.
From Othello. You are a plotter and a schemer, and work hard to achieve what you think is rightfully yours. But you must always try not to let your jealousy get the best of you.
And why not take the Shakespeare quiz yourself? Make sure to SHARE your result and mention #Class6Theatre and #TwelfthNight!
from San Diego, Keath David Hall has been an actor, fight choreographer
and director across the United States for a dozen years. His directing
credits include Romeo and Juliet and The Pillowman for the Scioto Society in Chilicothe Ohio. Also he directed Afternoon Delight for Class 6 Theatre Company. "When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." -S. Clemens
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